Pledged brother

Sir Tobin and Marius accompany me for my first excursion out of the Palace as Queen. As my ladies in waiting, Melissa and Dorotea come as well. They're not required to do anything much, just walk behind me and offer some money to the kids or the beggars when I say it.

Before getting out of the Queen's quarters, I'm notified of a visit. Someone came from far, far away just to see me. And they're willing to come along, seemingly.

«Fernard Falco would like to talk with Your Majesty,» one of my secretaries says.

Apparently, I also have my secretaries. They're just too busy handling my affairs to appear too often.

«Shall I send him back?»

«Oh, no. Let him come with us!» I say. «There's a lot I'd like to talk with him about. He doesn't mind taking a stroll in the city, does he?»

Just like that, my husband's pledged brother finds himself in the same carriage as me. Only that, this time, I know who he is.

«Long time no see,» I say. «Brother.»