The Mages in Mavale (1)

Just when I start accepting that I will spend the next seven months locked in my chambers, I receive an unplanned visit. Through dubious channels, at that.

Among the few people who would visit me here, except for my family, there are only Fernard Falco and Princess Juliet. All the other people currently in the Palace don't have the chance to come to me except for the formal events or open days.

So, when Aida knocks, telling me we have a guest, I'm more than just surprised.


«I don't know, your highness.»

She shrugs, signalling it's not someone dangerous for me. But still, who could it be?

«That person is here with your Highness's brother,» she adds.

«Oh, then it must be a friend.» There's no way Marius would bring a foe here in my condition. «Let them pass.»

As soon as I've said my words, I realise the reason behind Aida's concern.