Announcement (2)

After the first moments of enthusiasm, I realise the drawbacks of my state. Oh, I've realised them long ago. But they weren't as obvious as now.

I'm still here, haven't moved from Ignis's side. The musicians have appeared out of nowhere and started playing; the servants are distributing wine. Everyone is in the mood for an improvised party.

Till now, nothing new. Except for the ladies in the back of the hall adjusting their hairstyles and checking their dresses before approaching the throne to congratulate the King.

They're not that new either, but the light in their eyes has changed. It's as if they won something, suddenly. As if something they were expecting happened, and they can now move with their strategy. It's the same light I saw in Ignis's eyes when his plan proceeded as he predicted.

«What do they want?» I mutter, realising too late that I talked out loud.