The Queen's first Council (2)

The situation is difficult, and I didn't know anything until today. I've been careless, focusing on the wrong things.

I was so taken into my mission to find Mages, into the people trying to take my place, into Ignis... I haven't noticed how Alba is in danger. Everything else can wait because I won't have the means to help my people if I don't have a stable country.

«Can't we form alliances as well?» I inquire.

«Alliances have a price. Always. No one is going to help just because we didn't do anything wrong.»

«But if Alba is attacked under false pretences, anyone could repeat the pattern with other Kingdoms,» I point out. They all turn to me with mouths wide open. «Right?» I murmur, confused.

«It's right, but we can't survive on luck alone. And thinking someone will help just to keep the established order is relying on luck,» replies the Minister of Foreign Affairs.