A last wish (1)

The dungeons are cold and dark. Not the best place for a pregnant woman to take a stroll.

Tobin follows me just like usual, but this time we are without maids. Curious eyes and ears are not what I need, even though I'm not going to talk secrets today. I think the time for secrets is over now.

Except for the little detail that two thirds of the restricted Royal Family will be made of Mages in a month or so. Just a few weeks more, and I'll have him in my arms. My little baby.

«Your Majesty is in a good mood,» Tobin comments.

He's been more chatty lately. He would say something without being asked, and he could answer with very long sentences even when it's not strictly necessary.

By very long, I mean with seven or more words. Before, it would happen only in certain moments, and Tobin kept silent and invisible most of the time. Now, he's more like a living person even when he's on guard.