Awaited for

I guess it's time, even though it's early.

A shout escapes my throat as I watch the maids run to me but stop a few metres afar. They observe the thick magic barrier surrounding Adelphium and me, and they start panicking.

Is it the Priest causing it? Of course not. It's this little thing inside me. He's using my body as a catalyst to launch spells. I can feel it, but I can't stop anything. It's too painful, and I can't keep focus long enough to interrupt the stream of power.

«Towels... And water... And... I don't know,» Adelphium says, running in circles to talk with the maids. Then, he comes back to me and helps me lie down.

«It's time, your Majesty. The heir to the throne is being born!»

«That's what you were expecting, you cheater!» I spit out. «You knew it would happen! That's why you didn't want to leave me alone!»

«Exactly. I wanted to be of help.»


«Because no one can come close, except for me apparently.»