
The Priest is waiting.

«Let him in, Bea. Also, alert Sir Tobin and Aida, but don't let Aida come in yet. She has to stay in the next room, close enough to intervene but out of sight.»

While things are arranged, I sit at my favourite place and observe how Flavius continues playing undisturbed. He exchanges words and screams with Lars, offering his finger to be clenched and smiling content every time it happens.

I didn't know these two could get along this much.

The maids bring me something to snack on while talking with the Priest, and I also have a glass of freshly-squeezed juice.

When everything is ready, I give the glass back and get ready for the meeting.

«Let him in,» I say. This Priest has no magic, so he's no threat. It's just a matter of politics and reminding them they can't take Ignis's people away.

«Greetings, your Majesty,» he says after walking in.