Decisions of the heart (2)

The worst day of all is when I received news about the King's wound. He was hit by an arrow while reaching another camp of ours. It was a surprise attack, and many escorting him were killed.

It seems that Ignis was lucky that he only got a wound. He was hit in his right shoulder, so now he won't be able to fight. However, he will stay at the front and lead his men. He wrote me a single sentence, but he insisted on writing it with his own left hand.

«I can't abandon my soldiers now,» he said. «Will be back soon enough.»

His left-handed G is even weirder than the usual one.

At first, I thought I would die of worry. I couldn't focus on my work, and Lars would cry more often because he sensed my mood. I couldn't sit in the same place for longer than five minutes, and I spent the whole afternoon strolling around.