The walk of victory

The gates are opened in front of us, and the first guards walk forward to split the crowd in two. Even so far from the Palace or the central roads, there are so many people waiting for us.

We start moving forward, guiding the horses toward the crown. Happiness fills the air with cheers and songs, letting me realise that everyone is happy for the end of the war. Even though the people in Mavale haven't felt the consequences of it, they were frightened it would reach them. Thankfully, it all ended before ruining the whole country.

Ignis and I open the procession, riding side by side. The horses walk, slow and prideful. We're here for the people to see, so we can't be in any hurry.

They cheer us on, throw flowers and shout nice words. Not too close because they still fear the guards. Luckily, I would say. No matter how nice the colour, it can't be pretty to have a flower thrown on one's head.