Chapter 006 Acupoint Resonance

After leaving Han Corporation, Chen Xuan rented a shared bicycle and rode home.

While passing through an intersection, he saw that a car accident had occurred.

A red Maserati had crashed into the greenbelt on the side, fortunately without hitting anyone.

Chen Xuan would not have paid much attention to this, but when his gaze fell on the female driver lying on the ground, he stopped in his tracks.

The female driver was trembling violently all over, like chaff in the wind, even her teeth were chattering, and her consciousness seemed somewhat unclear.

Most importantly, there was a mass of darkness clinging to the female driver's abdomen that only Chen Xuan could see!

"Twins by parasitism!"

Chen Xuan's current practice encompassed martial arts, medical skills, and mystic arts, among which his medical techniques were based on the ancient medical text "Ancient Qi Huang Technique."

The "Ancient Qi Huang Technique" contained many case studies, including records of twins by parasitism!

Twins by parasitism generally occured when the mother was pregnant with twins, but one of them, although viable, failed to develop properly and ended up attaching to the other fetus.

Two lives stemming from one conception, thus, resulted in twins by parasitism!

The female driver of the moment was precisely in this condition; the illness she was experiencing was due to the disturbance of vitality from her twin sibling.

Twins by parasitism had always been considered an odd disease, unknown to most people, let alone its treatment.

At this time, an elderly man with white hair, looking like a doctor, stood beside the female driver, his face filled with anxiety and at a total loss as to what to do.

It seemed he had no other solution, and the white-haired elder finally took out a sedative from his medicine box, ready to inject the female driver.

Chen Xuan hurried forward to stop him, "This is an attack of congenital cold disease; your hasty injection of a sedative will be of no help!"

Ordinary people had never heard of twins by parasitism, and even doctors would only consider it a form of congenital cold disease.

The white-haired elder looked at Chen Xuan with a hint of surprise, "You understand medicine?"

Being able to identify congenital cold disease at a glance was definitely not something an ordinary person could do!

Chen Xuan nodded, "I happen to know a bit, and I might be able to save her, but I need moxa needles. Do you have any here?"


Without hesitation, the elder rummaged through his medicine box.

After receiving the moxa needles, Chen Xuan did not say another word and directly pierced the Baihui on the female driver's head and both Shoulder Well acupoints with pinpoint accuracy.

These three acupoints all had the effect of expelling yin coldness and enhancing yang energy!

As the three needles were inserted, a robust True Qi also followed, pouring in.


The three moxa needles vibrated intensely at the same time, emitting a piercing hum!

"This... this is 'Acupoint Resonance'!"

The white-haired elder exclaimed in astonishment.

He had a profound interest in ancient medical techniques and had read in an ancient text that the pinnacle of acupuncture was to induce resonance between the acupoints and the needles for the most potent healing effect.

To achieve this, one must have a profound mastery of medical skills, something that even the National Doctor Saints of today could not accomplish.

Yet now, this young man before him was achieving it effortlessly!

This was simply unbelievable!

As the needling progressed, the female driver's body gradually stopped trembling, and droplets of water kept emerging on her forehead.

These were not beads of sweat, but the cold yin energy that had been building up inside her body!

Moments later, the dark energy on the female driver's abdomen completely dissipated, and she finally opened her eyes.

"She's fine now."

This being his first time saving someone with this affliction, Chen Xuan also heaved a sigh of relief.

"Miss Zheng, you've finally awakened!"

The elder hurriedly helped her to stand up.

"Doctor Zhang, was it you who saved me?"

"I am ashamed, the person who saved Miss Zheng is this young man…"

Zhang Hongru turned his head, only to see that Chen Xuan had already cycled far away.

Zhang Hongru felt a deep regret.

So young, yet capable of performing the exquisite technique of Acupoint Resonance. He was definitely a medical prodigy, making Zhang, who considered himself a Divine Doctor, seem completely insignificant!

It was a pity that he had no chance to get acquainted with him. Otherwise, he most certainly would have sought his guidance!

At this time, Miss Zheng's expression was also resolute.

"No matter who he is, I will find him!"

Just three needles had cured the congenital cold disease that had plagued her for over twenty years. Such a Miracle Doctor was definitely worth making an acquaintance, and she, Zheng Qingxue, would definitely repay this favor!

The next morning, Chen Xuan and his family drove to the Han Family Estate, as Madam Han wanted to inquire about the incident that had taken place in front of the Han Corporation's entrance the previous day.

"Mommy, I want to play on the slide."

Upon entering the courtyard, Xiao Yu immediately pointed excitedly to a slide not far away.

There were many descendants in the Han Family, and the slide was specially prepared for children; the area was already filled with many kids around Xiao Yu's age.

"You take Xiao Yu over to play; I'll go report to grandma first," said Han Jingting before heading straight into the inner courtyard.

Children around Xiao Yu's age were quite fond of slides.

While Chen Xuan was playing happily with Xiao Yu, his cellphone rang.

Seeing it was an unfamiliar number, Chen Xuan didn't answer, but the caller was persistent and called again.

With no choice, Chen Xuan finally pressed the answer button.

"Hello, may I ask who's calling?"

"Hello, is this Miracle Doctor Chen?"

"Miracle Doctor? I'm sorry, you may have the wrong number…"

As Chen Xuan spoke, he was about to hang up.

"Mr. Chen Xuan, please wait a moment, I really have an urgent matter to discuss with you!"

Upon hearing the caller mention his name, Chen Xuan paused, and just as he was about to speak, cries from a child came from not far away.

Chen Xuan saw that his daughter, Xiao Yu, was sitting on the ground, crying, although he didn't know why.

Chen Xuan frowned, hung up the phone, and quickly ran over.

Getting there, he saw a chubby little boy imperiously pointing at Xiao Yu and yelling, "You little brat, how dare you fight with me? Believe it or not, I'll slap you dead!"