Chapter 008: Please Be Sure to Take Action

"Over these years, Chengye has made remarkable achievements for Han Corporation, securing at least tens of millions in profits annually! And you, what can you do besides washing clothes, cooking food, and watching children all day!"

"If it weren't for the sake of Jingting's grandfather, someone as pathetic and useless as you, who merely lives off others, would never even be worthy to step into the Han Family!"

"Let me tell you, without the Han Family, you are nothing! Your sickly mother would have died long ago!"

Madam Han's words were like needles, piercing with blood-drawing precision, stripping away every shred of Chen Xuan's dignity.

A chill settled in Chen Xuan's heart.

It turned out that in the eyes of the Han Family, he had always been an outsider, always just someone who could only survive by depending on the Han Family, forever in their debt.

"Grandmother, Chen Xuan actually does consider the Han Family's interests, like yesterday, if not for his quick-wittedness..."

Han Jingting tried to speak up for Chen Xuan but was immediately cut off by Han Chengye.

"Quick-witted? Han Jingting, you must be out of your mind!"

"What do you mean?"

"What do I mean? Do you really think a dropout like him understands medicine? Yesterday was just his luck. Have you ever thought about the consequences if those patients weren't faking their illness but were genuinely sick? His actions could have killed the entire Han Corporation!"

Han Jingting stood there stunned, never having considered that point.

Could it be that yesterday, it was all just Chen Xuan's luck?

Madam Han snorted coldly, "I've always said he's worth nothing! I don't know what possessed that old fool back then to betroth Jingting to this good-for-nothing!"

"Fortunately, I've never held out hope for you. The Han Family's burdens can only be shouldered by the Han Family itself!"

Madam Han's expression then changed as she spoke to everyone with a hint of solemnity, "Actually, I have a very important piece of news to announce today, about Chengye!"

"Just yesterday, Chengye passed all the assessments and successfully became an elite member of the Huai City Medical Association!"

Upon hearing this, everyone from the Han Family burst into cheers and excitement.

In fact, they had been waiting for this moment for a long time!

The Han Corporation itself is a pharmaceutical company, and the Medical Association not only has regulatory authority over the entire pharmaceutical industry but also wields significant influence in hospitals and drugstores!

In some ways, the opinion of the Medical Association can sway the entire market!

Especially as an elite member, the rights and the resulting benefits are immeasurable.

Huai City is the most important medical center among the two rivers, home to thousands of pharmaceutical companies.

Those companies would do anything to have their people become elite members of the Medical Association, all to get a larger slice of the market. Chengye's success was absolutely great news for the entire Han Family!

"As expected of Chengye, truly impressive!"

"I've always said, our Han Family's future relies on Chengye!"

"Exactly, unlike some people who do nothing all day, only knowing to eat from our Han Family, like a parasite!"

Han Jingting's family naturally knew these comments were directed at Chen Xuan, and they all felt humiliated.

Relishing the flattery of others, Han Chengye spoke with a beaming face, "As a member of the Han Family, it is my duty to contribute. Moreover, the heads of three companies revealed their intentions to partner with me after hearing about my becoming an elite member yesterday—the total scale amounts to at least twenty million!"

"My goodness, that's a lot!"

"Looks like our dividends this year will certainly rise significantly!"

"Chengye is truly the hero of our Han Family!"

Everyone was overjoyed, and Madam Han was smiling from ear to ear.

At that moment, Tian Wenmei sneered and turned her gaze towards Chen Xuan.

"Now you should see the gap! How can you even compare yourself to our Chengye? Hurry up and apologize to him! And your daughter Xiao Yu, she should apologize too!"

Taking credit for herself, Tian Wenmei took the opportunity to insist on it.

What was most exasperating was that her words immediately got the support of the others.

"Exactly, apologize quickly!"



Looking at the faces of these people before him, Chen Xuan was filled with anger.

Just then, a servant suddenly ran in.

"Madam Han, there is a visitor at the door asking for an audience. He says his name is Zhang Hongru."

"Zhang Hongru? The Divine Doctor of Huai City, President Zhang Hongru of the Medical Association!"

The crowd was stunned; this was an eminent figure they couldn't hope to connect with!

They just didn't understand why such a venerated individual would suddenly grace the Han Family with his presence.

"I get it now. With Chengye becoming an elite member yesterday, Divine Doctor Zhang, as the president of the Medical Association, must have come in person to offer congratulations!"

Everyone suddenly realized and nodded in agreement.

Upon hearing this, Madam Han felt even more honored and hurriedly had the visitor invited in without delay.

Seconds later, an elderly man with white hair rushed into the inner courtyard; it was the Divine Doctor of Huai City, Zhang Hongru.

Excited, Han Chengye straightened his clothes and approached with a smile, "Divine Doctor Zhang, what an honor that you would come yourself, really too kind..."

But before Han Chengye could finish, he saw that Zhang Hongru didn't even glance at him; instead, he went straight to Chen Xuan, and without a word, prostrated himself before him with a thud.

"Miracle Doctor Chen, please, you must help, save my grandson's life!"

At this moment, the entire Han Family fell into a deathly silence, so quiet that one could hear a pin drop.