Chapter 012 Do You Know Each Other?

Zhang Yuan chuckled coldly in extreme anger as he looked at Zhang Hongru with the kind of gaze one reserves for an idiot.

"Grandpa, are you deliberately toying with me? Actually bringing this idiot to fool me, you must be wishing for my death!"

Zhang Yuan had initially thought that his grandfather could really find some National Doctor Saint or Divine Doctor, but to his surprise, it turned out to be this good-for-nothing Chen Xuan!

It made him utterly humiliated and furious!

Zhang Hongru was stunned, "What do you mean? You know Mr. Chen?"

Zhang Yuan said with contempt, "More than just knowing him, we're extremely familiar. This guy is just a poor bastard, he couldn't afford college and got out of there; not even qualified to carry my shoes! And you actually invited him to treat me, I think you've gone senile!"

"Shut up, how can you talk to your grandfather like that!"

Zhang Deyu scolded angrily, but his eyes also carried blame when he looked at Zhang Hongru.

"Dad, no offense, but who on earth did you find?"

This man in front of them was, at most, just thirty years old; how could he possibly have any real skill.

"Exactly, a poor kid who didn't even graduate from college, what diseases can he cure! Dad, Xiao Yuan is your own grandson, and yet you bring these nobodies to mess about. That's just too irresponsible!"

Fan Yunying, in front of Chen Xuan, showed undisguised contempt.

"It seems that I'm not needed here; in that case, I'll take my leave now!"

Chen Xuan huffed coldly, turning to leave.

"Fucking hurry up and get lost! Don't let me see you again, or I'll beat you every time I do!"

"You shut your mouth!"

Zhang Hongru quivered with rage and then immediately knelt down in front of Chen Xuan.

"Mr. Chen, it's all my lack of discipline that has offended you, please forgive me! I ask you to wait in the living room, I'll talk to them, please!"

Chen Xuan sighed and went to the living room.

Were it not for Zhang Hongru's sake, Chen Xuan really couldn't be bothered to care about Zhang Yuan's life or death anymore.

After ten minutes, Zhang Hongru invited Chen Xuan back to the sickroom.

Zhang Hongru had already told Zhang Yuan and the others about Chen Xuan saving Zheng Qingxue before; the family was somewhat convinced that Chen indeed possessed medical skills.

But that was it.

"I'll give you one chance for Grandpa's sake. Rest assured, if you cure my illness, you'll be well compensated!"

Zhang Yuan tilted his chin up, full of arrogance.

Fan Yunying also warned coldly, "We can give you a generous fee, but be very careful. Xiao Yuan is the Zhang Family's heir, a person of great value. If you cause him any new illness, I'll never let you off the hook!"

Chen Xuan chuckled bitterly; he was clearly the one coming to save Zhang Yuan's life, yet now it seemed as though he owed them something.

He, Chen Xuan, wasn't so pathetic!

"Since the lives of you Zhang Family people are so precious, then continue to be precious. I'm leaving!"

Chen Xuan said as he turned to say goodbye.

At this, the Zhang Family became truly desperate.

After all, according to the old man, Chen Xuan was the only person who could save Zhang Yuan's life. If he really left, wasn't Zhang Yuan left with only waiting for death!

Zhang Deyu blocked Chen Xuan's way, "Wait a minute, as long as you can cure Xiao Yuan's illness, I'll give you twenty million! If that's not enough, we can discuss further!"

Chen Xuan sneered, "Do you think that as long as you have money, you can buy everything?"

"Chen Xuan, what the fuck do you mean!"

Zhang Yuan was so angry he sat up from the bed.

Chen Xuan looked at Zhang Yuan with a cold expression, "Simple, just repeat what I did yesterday to you today."

To tell the truth, Chen Xuan initially hadn't intended to be vengeful, but because of the attitude of Zhang Yuan and his family, Chen Xuan changed his mind!

"Chen Xuan, fuck you! Expecting me to kneel and kowtow to you, you're not fucking worthy!"

Zhang Yuan roared in rage, beyond furious.

But before he could finish his words, he was seized by another bout of violent coughing.

This time, he coughed up nothing but fresh blood, instantly staining the blanket red!

"Xiao Yuan!"

Zhang Deyu and Fan Yunying turned pale with shock.

Zhang Yuan was also terrified, crying out, "I don't want to die! I don't want to die ah! Wuuu..."

Chen Xuan's face remained calm as he said indifferently, "The toxins have invaded your lungs, you have at most ten more days to live."

At those words, Zhang Yuan burst into scared tears.

Zhang Deyu and Fan Yunying were also distraught, overwhelmed with anxiety.

But it was Zhang Hongru who saw things clearly, grabbing Zhang Yuan by the ear and dragging him to the ground.

"You scoundrel, get down and kowtow to Mr. Chen right now, do you really want to die!"