Chapter 018 Give it a try

Han Jingting's brows instantly furrowed, "I'm sorry, but I saw this bag first!"

"So what if you saw it first, you haven't paid for it yet, have you? Until the money's been paid, it still belongs to the store. Whoever grabs it first, gets it. Don't you know the rules?!"

The woman standing before her, not only younger but also prettier than herself, irked the wealthy lady to no end, making her speak with undisguised rudeness.

Han Jingting was infuriated. Not only had this plump woman snatched her item, but she also dared accuse her of not knowing the rules—absolutely detestable.

The wealthy lady, on the other hand, was done talking and urged the clerk, "What are you standing there for? Wrap it up for me quickly!"

"This... I'm sorry, ma'am, but this lady saw the bag first, so I'm really sorry..."

This luxury store was of no small scale, attracting only the rich and noble. The female clerk dared not favor one customer over another and had to act impartially.