Chapter 020 It's very cheap already

Chen Xuan had not expected to run into the other party here.

However, observing the other party's attire, Chen Xuan had some understanding; it seemed that the other person must work at this 4S shop.

Although the other person's earlier actions had left Chen Xuan somewhat displeased, as it was the parent of his daughter's classmate, whom he would have to face sooner or later, Chen Xuan decided to set aside past grievances and greet the other person.

Yet, before Chen Xuan could even speak, he only heard the other party snort disdainfully and say, "What's the matter, not satisfied that I made you 'eat dirt' earlier and have now even chased me to the shop to cause trouble?"

Chen Xuan frowned. The implication in the other's words was clear: the incident of him and his daughter 'eating dirt' earlier was completely intentional!

"You're thinking too much. I wouldn't stoop so low to bother with someone like you; I'm here to buy a car!"

"Buy a car? You?"