Chapter 026 A Friend

Just now, those dozen or so kicks from Chen Xuan had already broken several of Pan Dayong's ribs. If the beating continued, Pan Dayong feared his life wouldn't be spared.

By this point, Han Jingting was completely stunned.

The Chen Xuan she saw today displayed an extremely dominant side that she had never seen in the six years she'd known him!

"Chen Xuan, since he has already admitted his wrong, maybe we should just let it go," she said.

Given Pan Dayong's vast influence, Han Jingting didn't want to bring unnecessary trouble upon Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan retracted his stance, "Since my wife says to let it go, I'll spare you this time."

Pan Dayong was immediately overjoyed, already scheming his revenge.

However, before Pan Dayong could revel in his relief, he heard Chen Xuan continue, "But the lesson that needs to be taught must still be given."