Chapter 043 Yes, It's Me

Chen Xuan had not even taken his own pulse earlier, and had diagnosed his condition just by looking at him, which had already made Cheng Qianjun suspicious.

Now, attributing his condition to something as nonsensical as 'Corpse Essence', Cheng Qianjun outright scoffed, categorizing Chen Xuan as a complete charlatan.

Shen Zhizhuan hurriedly defended Chen Xuan, "Director Cheng, Young Brother Chen truly has superb medical skills; he's absolutely not some kind of trickster!"

"That's right, our Xiao Hai's life was saved by Little Chen, he's a good person!" Sun Qin also chimed in to help.

Even though they were hearing about 'Corpse Essence' for the first time, because of the previous incident with Xiao Hai, they still chose to believe in Chen Xuan without hesitation!

"Director Shen, nowadays fraudsters are crafty and numerous, I advise you all to be cautious and not fall for others' traps!"