Chapter 081 Now We're Even

"Good heavens!"

The other Tomb Raiders turned pale with fright at what had happened to Ge Chuang.

They had now witnessed Chen Xuan's methods and for the moment, no longer dared to approach rashly.

Lek Shumei, however, was furious, her face twisted in rage.

"How dare you kill a member of the Tomb Raider Group? I see you're asking for death!"

As she spoke, Lek Shumei drew a short knife from her waist and, taking advantage of Chen Xuan's unguarded moment, stepped forward and stabbed directly toward Chen Xuan's back.

Lek Shumei's movement was like that of a venomous snake striking, with extreme speed, causing Zhao Luna beside her to cry out in alarm.

But Lek Shumei was determined to succeed.

As the head of the Tomb Raider Group, she was no ordinary person. She had been practicing Martial Arts since childhood, and had now reached the External Strength Peak, making her a true Martial Artist!