Chapter 090: Blast Them Out for Me

Although the manager's face still carried a polite smile, his words were like a whip, harshly lashing the face of the man with the large gold watch.

Mayor Zheng, Tycoon Wong, any of these individuals could shake Huai City with a mere stomp of their foot.

The large gold watch man was merely slightly wealthy, not even close to being in the same league as Mayor Zheng or Tycoon Wong, not worthy enough to even carry their shoes!

For a moment, the large gold watch man felt utterly humiliated, wishing he could find a hole in the ground to crawl into.

The people around were not only amazed at the high status of the Yunshan Platinum Card but also extremely curious about Chen Xuan's identity.

Being on the same level as big shots like Mayor Zheng and Tycoon Wong, just who was this young man in front of them?

"Forget it, if we can't get in, then we can't get in. At worst... we can just go eat somewhere else. Let's go."