Chapter 093: Really Riding the Tiger This Time and It's Hard to Get Off

Slap! Slap! Slap!

The youth with dreadlocks lightly tapped Wei Kuan's face, "Well, how about it, still think you can ask our Young Master Di to give you face?"

Scared out of his wits, Wei Kuan hurriedly kowtowed, "No, no, no... I wouldn't dare, not anymore!"

To him, a mere Wei Corporation was nothing more than an ant in front of a superpower like the Wanlong Gang, how could he dare ask them to give him face? He'd be lucky just to keep his own life intact.

The youth with dreadlocks snorted coldly, "As long as you know. Now get lost!"

"Yes, yes, yes, I'm going, I'll leave right now!"

Wei Kuan said and promptly scurried out of the private room, rolling and crawling.

Zhong Ling and Gu Ruirui were all stunned, they had not expected the formidable Wei Kuan in their eyes to leave in such a cowardly manner!

The youth with dreadlocks turned to the others, "What are you waiting for? Planning to stay and serve our Young Master Di?"

At these words, all the girls paled in fright.