Chapter 107: Night Raid on the Du Family

Before Woo Hongmiao could open his mouth, Du Mingqing directly said, "Exactly, this is the Divine Medicine made from Blood Tai Sui which I exerted so much effort to find!"

Not to be fooled, Du Mingshen instantly realized what was going on and retorted, "Nonsense, I'm the one who found this Blood Tai Sui!"

Du Mingqing snickered, "Cousin, are you confused? The Tai Sui was clearly found by me, what does it have to do with you?"

Xu Huimei's face turned sour, "Mingshen, you can't just say anything. This Blood Tai Sui was fetched by our Mingqing with great effort from Huai City. You can't just see that this thing can cure the Elder Master's illness and claim the credit for yourself!"

The Du Family members also started accusing Du Mingshen, and he became so infuriated that he stopped talking.

Because he knew that at this point, no matter what he said, no one would believe him, not even Woo Hongmiao.

Du Mingqing was quite smug, "Elder Woo, I'll have to trouble you with the rest!"