Chapter 111: Execute First, Report Later

The bespectacled youth was seething with murderous intent, clearly intent on taking a life.

However, no sooner had the words left his mouth than the gun in his hand was seized by Chen Xuan in one swift motion.

"Who gave you such audacity to point a gun at me?"


With a powerful kick, the bespectacled youth was sent flying backwards.

The members of the Du Family gasped in shock, with so many armed gunmen present, this Mr. Chen dared to make a move—how incredibly bold!

The bespectacled youth climbed up from the ground, his face red with shame and fury.

"I see you're seeking death!"

Clatter clatter!

Dozens of gun muzzles instantly turned towards Chen Xuan.


At the bespectacled youth's command, the gunmen were about to pull their triggers.

But just then.


From the silence, Zheng Yunfeng suddenly let out a thunderous roar.

Simultaneously, an astounding aura erupted from his body almost tangibly, shaking the surrounding air.