Chapter 117: No More Suffering for Mom

"Mr. Chen, just letting them go like that, isn't that letting them off too easily? Should I teach them a further lesson?"

After Liu Peng and his group had left, Du Mingshen still felt some residual anger.

These blind fools dared to trouble Chen Xuan and his mother—it was practically a death wish.

The thing Liu Peng couldn't stand the most was those rich second generation who never suffered persecution but used their parents' wealth to bully others.

If it were up to Liu Peng, at the very least, he would make those people go completely bankrupt to experience the taste of poverty—that would be satisfying!

Chen Xuan waved his hand disapprovingly, "Forget it."

Chen Xuan certainly also disapproved of people like Liu Peng and his group, but even if you could deal with Liu Peng, what would that change?

There were still other rich second generations, weren't there?

Moreover, today they happened to encounter tough characters like Chen Xuan and Du Mingshen.