Chapter 130 Let Him Know Who I Am

In everyone's eyes, be it Lu Jie, the chairman of Jie'ao Corporation, or Lu Kangsheng, the Chief Secretary, both were absolutely not individuals one could easily offend.

Everyone felt that Chen Xuan, who at a glance looked like an ordinary commoner, had really hit an iron plate this time.

As soon as Lu Jie entered the children's playground, he shouted threateningly.

"Who's the blind fool daring to bully my son Lu Jie? Show yourself to me now!"

Everyone at the playground was startled by Lu Jie's commanding shout; they all quieted down and turned their attention in his direction.

Xiao Zhe hurried to Lu Jie's side and pointed at Chen Xuan, immediately starting to accuse him, "Daddy, it's this guy. He not only hit me but also got sand on my face!"

Although Xiao Zhe was young, he was very skilled in playing the victim first.

"You're lying. My dad didn't hit you at all. It was clearly you who ruined my castle first and then dumped sand on my head!"