Chapter 177: Infertility Voodoo

Chen Xuan did not hide anything and honestly said, "I have never been to any medical school, I only have a high school diploma."

"I've never worked at any hospital and have been idle at home to this day."

"As for how long I've been practicing medicine... all in all, just over two months."


Gu Chen's wine sprayed out of his mouth.

"What the hell is Yuan Tong thinking, bringing someone like you who doesn't know anything to fool me!" Gu Chen was clearly disappointed with Chen Xuan's qualifications.

No wonder, his illness hadn't been a short one, and during this time, he had sought out countless famous doctors and renowned professors, yet none had been effective.

His trip to Huai City was merely for sightseeing; Yuan Tong said that there was a Divine Doctor in Huai City who could cure his illness, but it turned out to be just a greenhorn with only a high school diploma and no medical experience at all.

In Gu Chen's view, this was simply an insult to his status!