Chapter 291: When Should We Have a Second Child?

Han Family ancestral home.

After leaving the valley, the members of the Han Family hurried all the way back to their ancestral home.

The scene where they nearly perished at the hands of Liu Mingkong was still fresh in their memory, and panic and unease were still visible on everyone's faces.

Madam Han was also shaken to the core.

It was so close!

The Han Family was nearly wiped out today!

Only now did Madam Han finally realize how short-sighted she had been before.

She had always been preoccupied with the Han Family seizing every slight opportunity and, with the help of all possible powers, desperately climbing up to make as much money as possible for the Han Family.

But she forgot that life, for the Han Family, was what mattered most.

Just like this time; if the Han Family had really been exterminated by Liu Mingkong, what use would their wealth have been then!

Therefore, what Madam Han urgently needed now was to find a power that could protect the Han Family completely.