Chapter 340: Ten Million Benefits

Half an hour later, Chen Xuan and Han Jingting returned to Jiaren Corporation.

Just as they arrived at the office, Yang Shan excitedly burst in.

"President Han, our company's account suddenly has an extra hundred million yuan in it. We've been looking for a long time but can't figure out what this money is about. Could it be a wrong transfer?"

"What, a hundred million?" Han Jingting was also very surprised.

Chen Xuan spoke up quickly, "There's no mistake, this hundred million is the compensation from those rascals to our company!"

Han Jingting's eyes widened in shock, "That much?!"

A hundred million yuan!

Even if her company stopped operations for a month, it wouldn't be worth so much.

So speaking, had they actually made a profit from this?

"If we had gone to ask for it, they definitely wouldn't have compensated us with so much. That these people gave so much at once, President Cui must have helped behind the scenes."