Chapter 350 Leave it to Me

Before Han Jingting could express her opinion, Ding Lijuan took the initiative and said, "Jingting, Xiao Liang is your brother, you can't just stand by and watch him court death!"

Ding Liang also put on a pitiful act, trembling as he cried out, "Sis, save me..."

Han Jingting couldn't bother to glance at Ding Liang, only feeling a surge of weariness and finally said helplessly, "Mom, even if you beg me, it's no use, because I only have a few tens of thousands of yuan in this card."

"What? Just a few tens of thousands?!" Ding Lijuan was dumbfounded.

Ma Bo was completely infuriated, "Damn, trying to fool me with a card that has only a few tens of thousands? Do you think I'm an idiot!"

"Someone, since they can't cough up the money, let's follow the rules of the streets, throw the kid down the mountain!"

Upon Ma Bo's order, several burly men lifted Ding Liang and made as if to proceed.