Chapter 376 The Full Moon Feast

Three days later, the full month celebration for Young Master Lei Dong was held as scheduled.

Lei Tianzong was not only the Liangjiang Marquis but also truly the man in charge of Huai City.

For the upper echelon, being able to attend the Liangjiang Marquis' son's full month celebration was undoubtedly a huge affirmation of their status.

If they were fortunate enough to be favored by the Liangjiang Marquis, it would naturally be of great benefit to their future development!

Therefore, the full month celebration naturally attracted countless people who were desperate to squeeze in.

The scene was no less spectacular than Zheng Yunfeng's King of War ceremony.

Chen Xuan arrived at the Liangjiang Marquis' residence as agreed.

Upon arriving, Chen Xuan was stunned by the scene before him.

In front of the entire marquis' residence, luxury cars poured in like rain, with vehicles worth millions or even tens of millions blocking the roads completely.