Getting Max to Free Paul

At the Gaston Group.

Matthew returned to the office nearing the end of the workday.

He reported the situation to Max, "Mr. Gaston, Ms. White has a slight fracture in her leg. The doctor says that she has to rest for three months."

Behind the office table, Max's gaze was distant and cold. He did not speak.

Matthew stood in the office, waiting for instructions on what to do next.

A moment passed.

Max instructed, "Go and investigate this for me. When did Mary come back to Sheares? Where had she been staying the past few years?"

"Mr. Gaston, is Ms. Hanks… really still alive?"

Matthew's eyes widened. He was stammering.

Max glanced at him coldly as he said, "Did you not recognize her at the hospital?"

Matthew lowered his head, "I did find her familiar back there."

"She said that she had narrowly escaped death and was in a coma for two years, and that she only regained her memories a year ago. However, she did not mention anything about the incident back then."

Max had spent the entire afternoon spaced out in the office ever since he returned from the hospital.

He still kept the phone and necklace that she had dropped near the abandoned chemical processing plant.

What exactly had she gone through?

Matthew did not know what to say.

All he did was listen.

Max waved his hand and signaled for Matthew to leave.

He then called Sandra White after Matthew left the office.

Sandra picked up the call on the second ring.

Sandra's indignant voice rang out from the other side of the line, "Hello, Max. Are you finally done with your work?"

"Matthew said that your fracture is quite serious. There was just too much to do in the office today. I really can't free up the time."

Max's voice was low and cold. It was as devoid of emotion as he was.

But Sandra convinced herself that there was care and concern in Max's voice and replied, "Max, I know that you are busy and that you really want to be here with me for my surgery."

"Are you in a lot of pain?"

"Yes, it's really painful."

"Then rest for a few months before you go back to acting. You have to rest. Don't abuse your body."

Max's tone did not change throughout the conversation.

However, Sandra was very touched, "Alright, I'll listen to you. I'll rest for the next three months. You're such a good man, Max."

"Alright. I'll make a public announcement to postpone our marriage until your leg recovers."

"Max, no. There's no need. My leg won't affect our wedding…"

Sandra became flustered when she heard that the wedding was going to be postponed.

Max coldly interrupted her, "How could it not affect the wedding? You have to rest. It's decided. Rest well. Max Gaston's wife must be the most perfect woman."

"But my parents have…"

"I'll tell your parents about it."

Max hung up.

His expression turned a shade darker.

1587 was a prestigious members-only restaurant in Sheares.

It was not a large place.

However, every inch of the place was exquisitely decorated and cozy.

In a room on the second floor.

Max spotted Mary already seated behind the round table the moment he opened the door.

She was wearing a light-colored dress tonight. Her hair was slightly curled and fell to her shoulders. She was wearing only light make-up but was beautiful enough to attract anyone's attention.

"Max, you're late."

Mary smiled faintly when she saw him walking over.

There was a shimmer in Max's eyes.

He seated himself and said flatly, "There was a bit of traffic. What do you want to eat?"

"The same as last time."

Mary looked down at her cup.

She had countless memories in this restaurant.


Max called for the server and ordered a list of dishes.

He did it so naturally, it was as though the five years had not passed.

Instead, it felt like they had just come here just days ago.

Mary asked calmly before the dishes arrived, "Max, do you know that Paul has been taken in by the police?"

Max had just lifted the jug and was about to fill Mary's cup.

He looked up.

His expression grew dark.

Mary saw the coldness in Max's eyes and clenched her fist under the table.

She had to get Max out of the police station.

She met his gaze and continued to ask calmly, "Max, were you injured?"


Max finally spoke.

Max had a cynical smile, "You're trying to get me to release Paul if I'm not injured, right?"


Mary smiled. She did not avert her gaze.

"Let Paul go this once if he did not hurt you."

"Give me a reason!"

The aura around him instantly became chilly.

Max stared into Mary's eyes with a deep, dark gaze. "You returned to the country because of him. You are only acknowledging me because of him. You are doing all this so that I will let him off. At the very least, you have to give me a good reason to let him go, right?"

Gloom filled the room.

A few moments passed.

Mary suddenly laughed.

However, her eyes did not reflect her smile. "What if I told you that you were why I nearly lost my life five years ago, and that Paul was the person who saved me… Is that reason enough?"

"Mary Hanks."

Max called her by her full name.

She was truly capable.

She had disappeared for five years but managed to anger him twice in half a day when she returned.

Mary met Max's anger head-on, "Max, are you doubting my words? Or are you unwilling to let Paul off?"

"I can let him off. But on one condition."

"What's the condition?"

"You must never disappear again."

"Alright. I promise you."

That request was too simple.

She came back for revenge and wouldn't be leaving anytime soon.

Max did not ask her why Paul wanted to kill him.

He either did not know or did not dare to mention it because he was guilty.

Mary did not mull over this. There was a lot of time, she did not have to care about that for now.

The meal that followed was relatively pleasant.

Max was not one to talk a lot while he was eating.

His request to Mary in the past was to not speak during meal times.

Max did not ask for Mary's opinion when they left 1587.

He brought her to the parking lot and opened the door to the front passenger seat, then asked her to get in.

Mary shook her head and said coldly, "Max, I'll sit in the back."

Max knitted his brows and retorted, "Sit in front. I don't have the habit of being someone's chauffeur."

She had always sat beside him at the front of the car when they were together back then.

Now, it was time to draw the line with him.

Mary saw a pink hair clip on the front passenger seat.

She suddenly laughed.

Her smile was vibrant, even if it might have lacked sincerity.

"Max, you already have a fiancée. I don't want any tongues to wag."

She reached out to open the back door of the car after she spoke.

She had not even touched the handle when the man beside her suddenly grabbed her wrist. He forcefully pulled her back, then pushed her into the front of the car.

Her slender body was forced in.

Her back hurt.

She did not have the time to struggle before the man's imposing figure enveloped her.

The atmosphere was a little strange.

Mary's heart was thumping wildly. She shouted firmly, "Max!"

She could not see Max's expression well in the darkness.

She was being assaulted by Max's familiar breath.

The scene of her being violated by him on that night five years ago suddenly surfaced in her head.

She became flustered.

She tried to push him away.

However, Max forced her hand back against her chest. She could feel his body heat beside her ears.

His voice was deep.


It felt as though her heart had been gripped by a large hand.

"I remember that you didn't go home that night. You haven't told me where exactly you went. Hm?"