Moving In

On the second day after Mary had gone to the Gastons, Sofia had forced her to swear an oath.

Sofia said, "Mary, you're not allowed to fall in love with Max or Marcus. You're not allowed to have the intention of sleeping on their beds and marrying them when you grow up. If you like them and get together with them, Max will die a horrible death."

The eight-year-old Mary had just lost her parents. Max had been the only one she could rely on.

When she heard Sofia's words, she had been scared to tears.

There was an indescribable fear in her heart. Mary had sworn in a trembling voice the words Sofia had forced her to say.

Onn every death anniversary of her parents, Sofia would remind her about her vow.

She hadn't known why Sofia had cursed Max instead of Marcus.

She found out only after she had grown up.

It was because Max was not…


Sandra was brought into the office building by her assistant.