I Will Fall For You First

At night, Mary walked out of the bathroom in her nightdress, wiping her wet hair with a towel. As she was wrapping her hair with the towel, she saw that Max was sitting on the chair in front of the dressing table, with his head lowered to open the drawer.

Her expression darkened and she immediately walked over to stop him With one hand still on the towel on her head, she pressed the other against his which lay on the handle of the drawer. "Max, don't go through my stuff."

Max relaxed his grip on the handle.

Turning around and meeting Mary's angry eyes, he said lightly, "I won't go through your stuff."

"Weren't you just about to open the drawer?" Her cold eyes stared at him warily. Max met her gaze for a moment before lowering his head.

Pointing at the drawer with his long fingers, he said, "I saw that the paint on your dressing was chipping, so I was wondering if I should buy a new one for you."