Why Don't You Woo My Mother?

"Lady Mary—" Fred addressed worriedly.

Mary Hanks understood his intentions and nonchalantly said, "Go back to the car and wait for me."

"Understood," Fred responded, not daring to disobey Mary. He then left them.

"John, let's talk in your car.

John smiled and nodded, "Alright."

He went to his car and opened the door to the front passenger seat. Mary bent down and got onto the car. John then closed the door and skirted over to the driver's seat. From a distance away, Fred was staring in their direction with his eyes opened wide.

In the car, Mary was the first to speak, "John, about the question you asked me the other day. I feel like I should give you an answer."

"Mary, must you be in such a hurry to reject me? Is it because my mother made you feel uncomfortable?" John asked. His gaze suddenly turned dull, making Mary rather upset.