I Wanted to Come and See You

Gu Shimo's phone was turned off.

Gu Ziyang pursed his lips and dialed Bai Shanshan's number.

This time, during the call.

His mother was probably talking to Bai Shanshan on the phone upstairs.

Gu Ziyang left the living room, went to the garage, got into a car, and drove out of the villa.

Qingyun Wan.

Ye Qingwan worked for an hour before she finally had time to drink some water.

With her arms on the desk, she lowered her head and did eye exercises.

Leng Xiaoduan was outside taking the express delivery.

There were quite a few packages in the office today, and she had three for herself.

After signing, the elevator door opened before she could turn around. A slender and handsome man walked out.

Leng Xiaoduan recognized Gu Ziyang at a glance.

"Hello, can you call Ye Qingwan for me?"

Gu Ziyang's polite and distant voice rang in the corridor.

Leng Xiaoduan nodded and said," Wait a moment.""

He went into the office.

Two minutes later.