Because I Love You

"Big brother."

Ye Qingwan's voice was still sleepy and hoarse.

When Gu Shimo heard this, his heart was filled with happiness.

His kiss was gentle and affectionate, as if he had poured all the thoughts of the past few days into this kiss.

In the beginning.

He just wanted to kiss her and hug her.

I didn't think about more things.

But later, when Ye Qingwan hugged him and kissed him back…

Gu Shimo's self-control crumbled inch by inch. In the end, he could not control the thought of wanting her.

He called out hoarsely," Wanwan, I want you.""

Ye Qingwan's last bit of sleepiness dissipated in his words.

Gu Shimo gently confessed in Ye Qingwan's ear," Wanwan, I love you."

Ye Qingwan was shocked.

Her body stiffened. After a long while, her brain finally recovered.

That night, he called her name over and over again," Wanwan, Wanwan."

That sentence," Wanwan, let's go get our marriage certificate tomorrow, okay?"