Your Father and Mother Are So Nice

At the dining table of the Ye family villa.

Ye Zixi was in a particularly good mood because she could go to school.

She was so good that she wanted to fight with Gu Shimo to peel an egg and pick up some food for Ye Qingwan.

"Mom, Uncle, can you send me to school together?"

Ye Zixi asked as she put down her chopsticks and wiped her mouth.

Gu Shimo raised his eyebrows." Why do you want me and Mom to send you off together?"

"If I like it, you can give it to me together."

Ye Zixi's eyes lit up. On the first day of school, they had sent him off together. Jiang Mianmian had said that Gu Shimo was Ye Zixi's father.

Ye Zixi was obsessed with finding his father all day because he yearned for fatherly love.

Therefore, he really wanted to hear others say that Gu Shimo was his father.

As for why it was Gu Shimo, of course, it was because Gu Shimo had the same face as him. It was just an enlarged version.