Give Him Some Time

Ye Qingwan reached out her hand to him." Give me the phone.""

"Here you go."

Seeing her serious expression, Gu Shimo returned the phone to her.

However, his gaze remained on her.

Ye Qingwan took the phone, opened WeChat, and sent him the picture of the needle marks.

She said," Look at this photo carefully."

Gu Shimo replied,"Okay."

He opened his WeChat and frowned when he saw the photo.

The man in the photo was obvious. It was his father when he was young.

As the woman in the photo was covered in needle marks, Gu Shimo could not recognize her immediately.

He looked away from the photo and turned to Ye Qingwan.

Her watery eyes were waiting there.

His eyes were calm.

"Do you recognize the woman in the photo?"

she asked.

Gu Shimo's eyebrows furrowed a little." Did you take this from the safe the other day?"


"The woman in the photo is Auntie Ye's best friend. I've seen that photo before."