I love you, Christina Madden

Part 7

-Simon:I love you Christina Madden.-

Christina Madden,Simon Cullen,Fallen Angel.Man


April 2, 1970

"Here, read and do what is written on this book. This will help you bring your wife back." "What do you mean?" "Just read it. I'm too old to do the things written in that book. Thats why I'm giving you a chance to do it ang bring your wife back to life." The man said and leave. Simon opened the book and didn't hesitate to do what is written there even though he knows that it's a risk for his life.

He entered a cave like place and a big altar welcomed him.

Offer your blood to open the portal.

He took a broken glass piece on the ground and cut him self. Blood starts to flow on the ground. The place shakes and becomes hotter.

His blood awakens the monster from the ground. "The heavens retreat, from the help you seek. The forbidden negotiation you risk everything. Two choices all you have to do is just pick. Sacrifice you life with the abbys!" The monster said and the ground started to open. "What do you want? Why did you wake me up?" "I-i want my wife back. A-and someone said that y-you can help me with that." "I can do it but you have to help me to." "I will do everything to do it." "Sacrifice your life if you want your wife back." Simon looked at the opened ground. "Do it." "I love you Christina Madden." He said and fall into the deep abyys.

-Christina once lived again but her time comes and the souls of them lived on the book and the black handkerchief. They uses that things to lure peoples but what ever they do they won't succed to live again on earth.-