It sounded exasperated, that screamed that he was fed up.

"Are you serious?" He closed his eyes, talking so quietly yet disappointed. "I fought that beast, nearly died and only now you give me this?"

  "Was I supposed to come down and give it to you when you were being destroyed by that demon creature?"

His voice rose after every word, "You came down for your spear, you bastard."

"I thought you were going to get up."

"I was- y'know what? I won't argue with you. Give it to me, Rue."

I listened, taking the small, finger-sized plant and placing it between his plump lips. I found myself staring at him as he took the full thing into his mouth, but he didn't eat it. He swallowed it, whole. It confused me. My gaze wasn't too fond, but it wasn't cold either.

A shiver ran down my spine. It was the fact that he didn't chew it at all, even when it was solid.

There weren't any butterflies, but I just liked to look at him.