The Send Off Plan.

A moment of silence broke in. Leia kept bowing her head when all of a sudden, Carter jumped up from where he sat.

" Why don't we throw a send-off party for her?"

Allen Carter, who came from Greensville at Masan, was from a family of Event planners. His dad, Allen Ray was the owner of the most popular Hotel at Greensville named Ataraxia hotel and his mom, Allen Angel was a well-known event planner who managed the business for her husband. This made Carter grow up to be a party freak, he often attended ceremonies and parties. At some point, people began to conclude that Carter would end up taking over his father's business but when Carter broke it out to them that he was going to study Bio-Chemistry, they saw him as a fool. He was detested by lots of people and people named him a problem brat because they saw him as someone who wanted to end his father's business.


"Doesn't sound like a bad idea."

Rocco supported Carter as he realized no one would want to back Carter up.

All of a sudden, Carter smiled and the moment the five of them saw him smile like that, they knew something he was about to do something weird.

"Carter please don't do it, we know you are about t...."

Before Rocco could finish talking, Carter ran to the front of the lecture hall.


Carter cleared his throat and everyone in the class gave him attention.

"One of us here would soon depart from us. I want all of us to gather together and send her off nicely."

Denzel bowed his face, embarrassed, They knew he was about to do something stupid, but they hadn't expected something that stupid from him. The whole class began to murmur then someone yelled out from where he was.


"Ohh, looks like you all are interested in the person. Anyways, it's Leia, Le...."

Carter wasn't allowed to finish talking when curses and insults started to rain on him. It was to be expected, No one had much interest in him, and also they weren't a fan of Leia.

Someone came out of the passage in the lecture hall and kicked Carter in the leg. It was Ryan Bills, a delinquent known to always make trouble both at school and in his neighbourhood.

"This is why everyone sees you as an idiot, Problem brat, at times you reason like a kid, You are an adult."

Carter stood still, those words hit him deep. Rocco stood from where he sat and moved forward to help Carter back to where he sat.

"Don't be sad Carter, you tried your best for me, thanks a lot."

Leia said to Carter putting up a little warm smile. In less than a second, Carter's mood got wild again. He was about to talk again when Ted stood and covered his mouth with his palm.

"Don't say anything man, you've already been disgraced once, you will just be disgraced once more."

"Hey Ted, that's too harsh, don't be a sadist, and Carter, please take a break." Ariel frowned a little at Ted as she spoke like a teacher lecturing her students.

"Whatever, just be quiet, Carter."

"Well since Ted has backed down, returning to what we were discussing, six of us could still celebrate a party for her to send her off so..."

Before Ariel could end what she was saying, Carter interrupted her again, shouting at the top of his voice.

"Alright! Tomorrow morning, 8 am, no classes, any other plans are cancelled. We move on to celebrate her departure tomorrow. No comments, no objections, no arguments. Ted! I understand you are the nerdy type.."

Ted turned his face to the right and hissed. Carter continued

"....But no classes tomorrow, Denzel, you must be early, you koala...

Now that I think about it, I wonder why I went to the front of the class, what am I? Stupid?"

"The fool never learns, anyway it will just be a drag to keep dragging the matter, since we know he won't listen, let's just go with his idea."

"Ted, let's not drag things please."

Carter smiled as Denzel spoke, he had someone to back him up, and with that, he took his bag and placed it on his back walking towards the entrance door to leave the hall.

Rocco and Ted shook their head and stood, they were ready to go to their houses as they were done with the day's work. It was a Monday, so it was only natural that they would be tired since their schedule was a tight one on Mondays.

Ariel, who was still filled with lots of energy kept on faking tears and she hugged Leia once more.

"Don't leave me, Leia, I love you, I am gonna miss you a lot, Denzel I would have had a lot more time with Leia if you hadn't shown up, you friend snatcher!"

Leia smiled, looking at her friend who kept screaming. Denzel shook his head, as told her to keep quiet when he noticed everyone in the lecture hall had started to look at her like someone who had finally lost it.

Finally, Ariel took her bag preparing to go home. She kept on yelling, waving to Denzel and Leia. A warm little smile showed up at the left side of Leia's lips. She looked at Denzel who got prepared to get up and leave.

"Let's leave together, you haven't eaten right?" Leia spoke, getting to her feet and picking up her handbag, preparing to leave also.

"Huh, you wanna keep me company? Seems you really are interested in me, let's get dinner together. It's on me."

They both laughed as Denzel spoke and then they left the lecture hall.