Am I Really Guilty?

"Denzel! Denzel!! Wake up you sleepy head, have you forgotten about our party? You are gonna be late"


Denzel raised his head in confusion as he observed his surroundings and noticed he was seated in a chair in his lecture hall with Carter at his front smiling at him, and the first thing that came to his mind was,'Did the heavens give me a second chance to change fate?'

Denzel kept looking round and his head stopped moving the moment something caught his attention, at the entrance. He sighted Leia jesting with Ariel and immediately, he stood from where he sat, pushing Carter out of his way.

"Dude, what's the dea-" Carter who was about to yell at Denzel stopped the moment he saw how desperate he was.

"Ariel get away from Leia, she is going to end your life, believe me, I know the future!"

Ariel turned to look at Denzel who was screaming endlessly at her.

"What are you talking abo-"

In a split of a second, the whole surrounding and atmosphere changed and Ariel was on the ground, gushing out blood from her mouth with her body in half. He looked round and saw Carter and then Rocco lay dead, with stains of red all round them. It was then he noticed Ted was missing.

"Den...zel....why are... you... just saying.... this now... You knew...the... future...and .... to.... yourself...even when...Ted had earlier...and..."

Ariel forced those words out her mouth as she kept coughing out blood.

"Yes, Denzel, you are the one who truly killed them, you didn't believe me and you didn't warn them about it either before they were killed even when you knew about the future... You murderer." Ted spoke out, as he leaned on a wall and after Ted spoke, he stood straight and walked closer to Denzel.

"No guys, I realized a bit late i...i...-". Denzel was interrupted and was given no chance to talk and immediately, all of them began to yell at him.

"You murderer!"

"You murderer!"

"You murderer!"




"Noooooooooooo", Denzel screamed as he jumped up. He looked around and noticed he was on a floor. He looked around him once more and he could tell were he was the moment he saw his cell phone on the ground beside him. He had slept off while texting Ted, who had already ended their conversation and that was when he had gathered his thoughts and he remembered his dream which made him frown a little.

'Who knows if that's what Ted really thinks about me, maybe I should go over to his place and talk things out with him.' Denzel thought, as he stood from the ground slowly.


The moment Denzel stood from the ground, forgetting he had a nearly broken leg, he obliviously stood on it without chill and he felt a very sharp pain which made him panic. Immediately, he placed his right arm to rest on the wall and with the help of the wall as a support, he moved to his fridge. He was hungry. He opened his fridge and noticed that the only thing there was a pack of milk that he had been drinking for a while and since he had no option, he took it out poured it into a cup which was on a table that wasn't to far from him.


Denzel leaped back to his room, his arm on the wall all through as he moved, with his cup of milk in his other arm. He got into the room and sat on his bed, bending over to pick up his cell phone which kept buzzing as it rang.

"Dad? Ohh yeah, he called last night, I forgot to call back." Denzel said, as he slipped his index finger over the phone and picked the call.

-"Denzel! What's up? Haven't heard from you in a while."-

"I am sorry dad, A lot has been-


-"Yo son, what's wrong?"-

Denzel got carried away as picked up the call and he forced his legs to the ground. The pain stung him

"Dad..." Denzel layed down to talk.

-"Yes son?"-

"Dad, there is a lot you need to know, my life here isn't safe any more. I might need to come home, but I can't do that now because I am going through a lot right now. Dad, have you been busy recently?"

-"Yes and i'm still soo busy, lot's of stuffs on my hand and mind, why did you ask by the way?"-

"Nothing much, just thought you could come here to check up on me, a little help will mean a lot to me."

-"Naa son, I can't come right about your friends?"-

Denzel's heart skipped a beat the moment he heard the word 'friends' and he gripped his phone so hard.

"Dad, Nevermind, I have a lot to discuss with you...when I have the chance to drop by, I would, but for now, I will take care of things."

-"Why can't you speak up on the phone? it's that confidential?"-

"It isn't to be discussed on the phone, dad, Just letting you know that things are hard."

-"Why? You need anything, money or what? Say it out."-

"All I need is help dad, I am hanging up, Love you lots dad, Bye"

A beep was heard the moment he pressed a button on his phone.

'Ohh, Carrie, forgot to ask about her, well lots are on my mind.' Denzel thought as he raised himself up from his bed. He wanted to go over to Teds' but he had no choice than to stay on his bed, since he had difficulty walking around.



"Who is there? You may come in!"

The man who spoke out sat on a desk, as he looked up from his computer so he could see who entered his office. Immediately he saw the person, he stood as fast as he could and he rushed to the man. He bowed at the man and took out the office chair that was opposite his own signalling for him to sit.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Creed King, Please sir sit here."

The mayor of Hilldale, Creed King, who was also the father of Leia, was always known to have an annoying personality as he was a very proud man.

"Don't you know who you are speaking with?" Creed King spoke out to The man who kept bowing down to him.

"Sir? Uhm, yes sir, you are the mayor."

Creed king was answered and he gave the man a disgusted look as he sat down.

"Thomas Tyler?"

"Yes Sir?"

Agent Thomas gave a little smile as he heard his name from the mouth of the mayor. He felt he wasn't that popular, but actually Creed King called the name because he saw the nameplate on the table.

"So why have you called me here, Thomas?"