
Interrogating Ted Once More.

"Denzel! Denzel!!" Ted ran out of the elevator and straight to the door, yelling out to Denzel who was nowhere to be seen.

"Mateo Mason, HIB, we are here to take you for questioning."

The moment Ted came out of his house while looking for Denzel, he ran into the man that came to search his house earlier.

"What is it that you need? I have been questioned, so why do I need to come with you again?" Ted said, looking over the man's shoulder, it was obvious that Ted was looking for someone.

"Well, we were told to watch you, lo and behold, Miller Denzel was seen coming out of your house, and what else, we didn't catch him going in, so you can complete it. My partner has been sent to pursue him. So you will have to come in for questioning, because, what you told us earlier is different from what we see, there is a lie somewhere."

"He wasn...." The man interrupted Ted and told him to just follow, and that anything he said would be used against him.

Ted had no choice, but to follow the man to their office. Soon, the man received a call, saying that Denzel was lost, and as of that moment, he was nowhere to be found. The van came back, and Ted followed them in it.

When they got to Hilldale Investigation Bureau, they moved with Ted to the interrogation room and began to question him about Denzel once more.

"So, Dalton Ted, what is it that you said you have to say about Miller Denzel? Has he been hiding at your home?"

"You can ask again, because, your partner was the one who searched my house and you should ask him if he saw any traces of the suspect."

"You know, Dalton, you have to confess because, if you were found out to have been keeping a murder suspect with you, you would be punished, but if you confess, your punishment won't be as much and you might even just be told pay some amount of money to bail yourself."

Ted didn't care, he was only bothered about where Denzel might have wandered to since Denzel was no safer that way.

He completely understood Denzel rage at Leia, given that it was Denzel that connected them all, All of them, Ariel, Carter, Rocco and even Leia as well, if Denzel wasn't that hooked up to their friendship, they might not have been that close and after all Denzel had done, they were all killed by someone dear to him.

"Sir, Prolly your partner wasn't always on guard or something, but I would love to tell you that Denzel came Knocking at my door, about an hour before he left, Denzel left my place in anger when I told him to turn himself in."

Lucas Jane looked at Ted, wondering how quick someone could come up with a lie.

"Dalton, it would be nice if you helped yourself..."

"Sir, it's Ted, please and I really don't have any other thing to say, I said the truth, about Denzel coming to my place and to even top it up, I don't even know why Denzel has to go through all these."

"Okay, let's go with the fact that Denzel wasn't hidden at your residence, there is still one other issue to talk to you about."

Ted sighed and looked the other way, wondering what it could be this time.

"What is it now sir?"

"I remember giving you information that the man that drove them to Autumn park, their driver was going to give us testimony right?"

"Yes, has he been interviewed?"

Lucas Jane looked at Ted to find out if he made any strange expression or if he felt uncomfortable.

"No, we were not able to..."


"You didn't know?"

"About what?"

"Mr Patrick, the man that drove them, was massacred, just the way your friends were massacred, and guess what?"

'Massacred? At least Denzel was with me, but proving he has an alibi now is just impossible since I have lied about him not staying with me.' Ted thought to himself, with a stern look on his face, he wondered who it might have been this time that would have killed the driver.

"Sir, I don't understand what you are saying."

"In Mr Patrick's home, his dead body was seen on the ground, everywhere stained with blood, and on the wall, an M.D was illustrated with the deceased's blood just as they were done on your friends."

"Le-!" Ted screamed but kept quiet immediately he remembered that it was pointless shouting out her name.


"Nothing Sir. But if that's happened, why aren't you chasing down Denzel?"

"We are, trust me, but it was you we gave that info and if someone else knew, it means you must have told them, and I came to a conclusion that you will still be in contact with Denzel, so it would be nice if you tell us his whereabouts."

"As I already said, I have no contact with him, I haven't heard from him, even I need to know where he is, so please don't make me into a suspect for what I didn't do," Ted said in a very serious face, and the man saw how angry he was, but he chose to continue questioning Ted, in case he loses his guard.

"You have decided to be stubborn, but I know, that you know where he is and that you are in with him."

"Sir, what's your proof Denzel did it? He actually has no motive for doing that, like if he knows that he is already a culprit that has so much evidence against him, I see no point in taking away a mere testimony that could barely change a thing that more or less according to you people, is against him."

"You sure defend your friend, there is no need for a motive, a psychopath is a psychopath, there are no two ways about it, and as he killed all his friends, it might be just fun to add the last person that was with them."

"Ohh, that's your deduction, I have nothing else to say, to be clear, I don't know of Denzel's whereabout, if you find him, please let me in on it."

"Or, we can get him now," Lucas Jane said, and Ted looked confused, with his right eyebrow raised higher than the other.

"What do you mean?"

"Let's call him now, on your phone."

"Why? I already said I don't talk with him, so what?" Ted panicked since he wasn't sure if Denzel took his phone along with him or not, and if Denzel was with his phone when Ted calls, Denzel is sure to pick it. He had to put all hope on the fact that Denzel did not take his phone along with him.

"We have to call him now, Ted."

"Okay, sir, you may have it"

Ted brought out his cell phone and dialled Denzel's phone number, he gave it to Mr Jane.

When they tried calling for the tenth time and saw that Denzel didn't pick up the call, Ted felt a little relieved and took back his phone.

"I think that's enough to let you know that we haven't been in contact.

"Okay, you may leave now, we will be in touch with you."

Ted gave a soothing sigh as he got up, and he walked out of the interrogation room.


"Denzel thinks he can escape if he runs away from Hilldale and gets back after some years? Ha! what a fool." In a very dark room, filled with computers, Leia spoke out, as she held a pack of popcorn in her right hand.

"Hmm, what if he is just running off away somewhere? Like he might not need to be back." Another man, sitting on another chair just beside Leia's own spoke out as he dipped his finger into the pack of popcorn and threw them in his mouth.

"Naa, I know Denzel, that retard would be back for me, believe me, he is going to hunt me down."

"You are pretty confident, So what do you plan on doing?"

"Denzel won't have a happy life, I am going to make him into a serial killer, he would be so shocked when he gets back."

"Seems we have a little work to do then."

"Honey, sure we do. Let's move."