
In The Woods III.

Denzel woke up early that day and as he planned, he did some exercises and went on to look for what to eat. He planned to eat a different thing that day. He went around picking up edible mushrooms and fruits that he saw on trees.

Denzel's first three days in the jungle were tiring as his body was not used to rigorous exercises, so after the first three days, he was weak and tired, and while he tried to work out as he always did, he felt a cramp in his muscles so he just laid down on his sleeping bag and rested. He sat up and took out some mushrooms he left in a container and ate them, then he gulped the little water he had left and laid back down.

"This isn't as easy as I thought it would be, I should just take a break today," Denzel told himself, as he closed his eyes to sleep. It took some time before he could finally fall asleep, and before he did, he kept on reminiscing about his past and the troubles he had been through, he sighed and blinked his eyes slowly, but he missed his friends, so much. Finally, Denzel felt his eyes were heavy and he closed his eyes to sleep.

After two hours, Denzel woke up and looked at the roof of the tent. He wasn't ready to sleep around, he wanted to train every day till he was ready to go back, and he wanted to be as strong as he could hastily because he was still a little scared that they might track him down to that place, and he knew that if that happens, he was going to end up dead and so, he stood up and decided to at least, walk if that was the only thing he could do at that moment.

Denzel stood up, and he felt a very sharp pain in his leg. Immediately he did, he sat back down and saw a sore at the back of his leg. He began to itch the point that was swollen up and it felt a little good, he needed something with a rough texture to itch his leg in place of his fingers, and he saw the snake's skin, it was rough in texture, so he took it and used it to itch his legs. Surprisingly, his leg felt better and he wondered why or what could have caused it.

Denzel stood, took his container for water and walked away.

The remaining days of that week, Denzel used it to rest himself, he knew overworking his body wasn't going to work.

When the next week came, he continued his training and his body was getting used to the training he had been doing. Days went by, weeks went by and Denzel was already bored of exercises.

"1, 2, 3... or maybe even five, I have used maybe about five or six weeks here at this woods turned forest. Only the Heavens knows when I am gonna see a wild animal, maybe even a wolf...

...Well, who cares, things are getting better now, I have gotten used to the food here and not everything is really boring here."

It was afternoon, Denzel wore a tattered cloth and sat on a stool he carved by himself and anyone who saw him would have started noticing the little changes in his body. Denzel ate a mushroom while thinking about how things were going for him in the forest. He was tired of the daily exercises, he could already do 100 one finger push up so it was only natural that he get bored of it.

"Well, I can't be doing just jogs and leaps, I need real exercise, something tough..." Denzel kept talking like someone was at his front and he didn't even care about anything that came by him as he wasn't frightened by the daily animals he saw there. He even fell in love with snake meat, the animal he was scared of the most.

"Maybe I should try and make them myself, who knows I might nail it," Denzel said and stood up immediately, he was filled with packs of inspirations.

Denzel started to parade around the place while looking for anything that he could help in making weight.

Denzel soon saw a metal rod about 2 to 3 feet tall and he took it along with him. He saw a few heavy objects that could help and he went back to his hideout to set it up.

At first, he was confused about how he was about to start to put it all together. He took one piece of metal, something that looked like a dumbbell with a hole in the middle and it was heavy, so much to make it pull Denzel's body down. He took the dumbbell and fixed it into the rod and took the other things he collected for the sake of all he needed.

After placing the rest of the things he brought into the metal rod, he stood up and lifted it. At First, he wasn't able to carry it up very well because he didn't expect it to be that heavy but in his second trial, he was successful.

He continued his training that day and at the end of the day, he took his final meal and slept off.

Weeks went by, Denzel continued with his daily training and he got used to living in the forest completely. A year passed, and Denzel didn't even have a clue.




Okay... Okay... Okay... Alright, thank you."

A handset was placed on top of its dial base and a woman stood from a desk.


"Yes, what is it?"

"It's another case, Mothenville street, it's assigned to us."

"Damn, Mason, we would finish our game next time, for now, Y'all should get ready. We will move out soon."

Five people stood up, and a man, Lucas Jane stood at their front. He was superior to them so they referred to him as the boss.

They got out of the building and went to their van to enter it. When they all entered, they wore their seat belts.

"Y'all ready?"

""Yeah boss"" They answered him and Lucas Jane drove off. It was about Twenty minutes when they finally got to Mothenville street and they got down when they saw a 'do not cross' sign at a house.

They came out of their vehicle and walked towards the building to see what their recent case was. They crossed the 'Do not cross' sign and walked to the people that were discussing at the front of the house.

"HIB, we are in charge of the case."

"Okay. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too. What is this case about?"

"A girl in her mid-thirties, Felonia George, very brutal, a stab to the forehead, the chest and stomach."

The look on Lucas Jane's face changed and he had already started wishing it wasn't what he thought. They all followed the Head of the forensic department into the house.

They got into the house and at the sight of the living room, Lucas Jane went out immediately.

"I wished it wouldn't be.." Jane said, wondering where he might have to start the investigation from. He walked back in and lifted the white cloth they used to cover the corpse and Lucas Jane confirmed his fears the moment he saw the M.D boldly written on the belly of the corpse's body. Another life was gone.

"Not M.D again!" Mateo Mason yelled as he looked at the dead body.

"For a year now, M.D has been in the loose, he leaves no sign or evidence or even a little drop of clue to find him. It's like he just appears, kills and disappears."

"Boss, let's ask about what we know for now."

Lucas Jane's mood was ruined and he was frustrated at the fact that for a year, they haven't been able to close the M.D's case. He was all ready to get queried by his superiors.