
Her Old Friend.

Leia looked behind and smirked, the moment she saw the fear she inflicted upon Ted. She strode towards the road and stopped to wait for a cab.

"Taxi!" She yelled and entered the car when the car came to halt. She sighed and crossed her legs, taking out her phone to make a phone call.

"Madam, please where is your destinati-" The driver wasn't allowed to finish talking when Leia used her hand to signal him to wait and shut up.

The phone beeped twice and the call was answered.

"Hello." She said. "Unto the next one... I am at the location right now, and I can't seem to discern why you haven't done it already. Do I have to remind you?"

Leia dropped the call immediately she was done wailing. In less than two minutes, a car passed by them and blew up- That sent a family of five to the grave.

There was turmoil everywhere due to what happened. A man walked to the vehicle. He wore a nose mask and a dark shade, carrying a can of spray in his hand.

After three minutes, before the detectives could arrive at that scene, the man walked by after coating the car's bonnet with a cloth.

"Huh?! What's that?!" The crowd were curious as the man walked away from the vehicle.

"M.D?" A man in the crowd said as he walked closer and removed the cloth from the bonnet to take a look at what was engraved on the vehicle.

"It's M.D! Everyone should run!"

The whole crowd dissipated and the sirens were already starting to chime.

"Driver, we may begin our journey... Take me to Diloville street." Leia said and an eerie smile began to form on her face afterwards.

It took about one and half hours for the car to arrive at Diloville and Leia pointed at a building for the vehicle to stop.

She came out of the vehicle after collecting her card from the man and she stood to look at the building.

"It's been long... Brings back memories." She took a step forward and stopped again. "What if he is in? Urrgh what a pain..."

She walked through the gate and then towards the door and she rang an alarm when she got closer to the door.

"Coming!" A voice from inside called out and after a short time, the door was opened.

"It's me, Leia..." She said the moment the door opened and immediately she saw who it was, she loured her face.

"Huh? Why are you here?"

"Wow, a very nice way to greet a long time friend."

"When were we ever friends..?"

She walked in and stopped when she got in. The place had the same look it had six years ago when she left.

"Is my uncle home?" She asked the person that stood before her.

"Wow, you are really a bitch, like you don't know what went wrong with dad." The guy that stood before her, Creed Grayson said, looking irritated.

"Wha... Oh, I actually expected you to understand... I am talking about Uncle's apprentice, I also call him 'uncle'."

"Oh, you mean Leo? Yes, he is home... By the way, isn't it six years?" Grayson placed his index finger on his forehead as he spoke. "Yes... it's six years. What's the event? Why did you show up today?"

"Huh? Yeah, I visited uncle's grave today and I remembered his home so I thought I would drop by.." She said, walking around the living room and she threw her handbag on one of the cushioned chairs in the room.

"Wow... After six years you remembered us here. So how is your 'Evil' plan going?" Grayson frowned his face as he spoke.

"Forget about that, that's not why I am here. Wow, you have grown a lot." She walked back to him and she stood by his side to check the height difference between them. "You are taller than me now, Very funny, you were shorter than me then, Haha..."

A man walked into the room in an armless cloth and joggers. It was Leia's uncle's apprentice. He was in his mid-forties, but he always loved to dress like he was still in his early twenties.

"Uncle!" She ran and hugged him.

"Ohhh... Leia... It's been a while, how have you been doing?"

"I am fine uncle... By the way, you still love this fashion, you really love that youthful look.

"Haha, do I?" Leo smiled and sat down on one of the cushion chairs. "Leia, I never knew you'd be back after you left here angrily six years ago..."

"Hehe, I missed you so much."

"Hehe, I missed you so much" Grayson mimicked her and walked out of the living room.

"Haha... Gray, you still angry at her?"

"I can't be happy seeing her, Leo, she is a bitch."

"Huh? Suck it up to your ass, it isn't like I came by to see you, I expected you to be matured by now."

"Hey, hey," Leo said, smiling, " Hasn't it been so long since you both sparred?"

"Uncle, you want us to spar now? Like it's been years, I am sure Grayson's gonna get me killed... It was only when we started training that I do win."

"No, Gray is much lazier than you think, it's been long since he ever trained, I don't remember the last time he transformed into his BEAST form."

"Ohh, that would be nice, let's go then, Grayson..."

Creed Grayson, Leia's cousin was also a beast and he had two animal traits in him, unlike Leia. Some incidents took place during his childbirth and he was able to escape the usual killings that took place at the hospital.

He was adopted by Leia's uncle and he grew up, knowing her uncle as his dad. His dad, Leia's uncle trained them since they were kids and they grew up, both being groomed by her uncle.

Ever since they were small, Leia always had the mindset of a psychopath, and unlike Grayson, whose main aim was to save the remaining Beasts yet to be born. He hated Leia for the fact that she was always cunning.

Once, she convinced him to kill a boy that always annoyed her and when he was successfully brainwashed, he committed the deed.

Immediately he did, he came to realise what he had done and out of fear, he ran to tell his dad. But when Leia arrived, her uncle was ready to scold her but she said," Uncle, do I look like I could kill an ant? It was obviously Gray that did it."

That was when Grayson's hatred for Leia began to grow.


"Leia, Grayson, are you ready?"

Leia and Grayson stood in a ring, facing each other. That was where they trained. Grayson nodded his head at the question Leo asked and Leia smiled at Grayson, moving back two steps to prepare for the fight.

"Gray, go easy on me... I am a girl." Leia smiled at Grayson. It had been a very long time since they actually trained together.

She was happy to show Grayson the difference between their strength as she gained confidence from what Leo told her, that Grayson hadn't trained.