
Locked Up II.

-That's the wrong way, Don't force it. When you sleep, you either dream about something else or meet up with the Creature in you. Now that you are aware of it, it shouldn't be tough, You can also have a strange dream of you meeting up with your Beast in a strange place, It depends on the one that happens to you, what really counts is that it happens anytime your consciousness is rescinded.

It might not happen instantly, but it would surely happen, as long as you are also a Beast.

When you finally get to meet with the Creature in you, you would be most lucky if he is awake, communicating with it wouldn't be easy, but would be easier than when it is asleep, cause if your beast is asleep, it would take a while before you can actually wake it up, then before you can finally understand what it wants. And make sure you give it a...-

Denzel took his eyes off the paper when he skimmed it to that point, he looked up, thinking about what the note said.

"Truly, I have met with my Eagle face to face before, but, I felt like it was a dream, not once not twice, but..." Denzel said, taking his legs away from the other, "Something feels strange, this writing looks familiar, I am sure I have seen it somewhere."

Denzel used his palm to pat his forehead, trying to recollect who had that particular handwriting, "Wait," Someone came up in his mind. He moved his face closer to take a good look at the handwriting, "This writing is the same as the one that wrote, 11 pm, Hillcafe... Grayson!"

Denzel turned around the room, trying to understand how Grayson could have had a passage into that room.

"Yes, Grayson is also Beast, a Red widow spider, I should take a good look round the room, I should be able to find it," Denzel eyesight was a perfect one. Being a BEAST didn't just mean being able to transform into your animal, or being able to get it to communicate with you. A person who is a Beast, without even waking it up, can use most of its spectacular abilities, though when it is awakened, the spectacular ability that the creature had would be much better than when it wasn't aroused.

So it was only normal that Denzel's eyesight was a very sharp one since Eagles were animals with the best eyesight.

Denzel kept on scanning the room, his eyes not even hurting him a bit as he continued to look round the room, from the ceiling to the tiles, from the walls, front to the back.

"This is a pain. Grayson, show yourself! I know you are in here, it's no use hiding,"

Behind Denzel, he heard a sigh. Looking behind him, He saw a spider, looking bigger than it normally meant to be, and Grayson slowly transformed back into his human form, his clothes getting back on him as he did.

"You caught me," Grayson raised his both hands up, turning his back to look at Denzel, "You are smarter than I thought, if only you can use it wisel-"

"Shut the hell up," Denzel interrupted Grayson, looking as frantic as ever, standing to his feet to get closer to Grayson, "Why are you still following me? I already made it clear that I didn't want to have anything to do with you anymore, so why are you still following me exactly?"

"Denzel, there are many things that you need to kno-"

"It's E, by the way, and I don't want to hear anything from you, if it is about Leia, get the fuck out, because I don't want it coming from you. When I have gotten Leia, I would decide whether I should kill you too or whether I am going to forgive you, so get the hell out of here."

"Okay, I would leave, but, don't forget to name it when you finally encounter it,"

"Get the fuck out, not like I would listen to any of the things you even wrote or told me." In a second, Grayson was nowhere, and Denzel could see a spider walk on the wall to the ceiling, and it slipped into a little space in the ceiling.

"Now where did I stop... or maybe I should just sleep," Denzel said, lying down in the bed in the room.

The spider stayed up in the ceiling, still watching at Denzel, and Grayson gleamed.

After about an hour, Denzel was still awake, he kept compelling himself to sleep, but he couldn't just.

He grabbed his phone, sending a message to Owl, asking him to get him sleeping pills.

On Owl's end, when he saw the message, he was pissed at the way Denzel spoke down on him, but he couldn't do a thing to retaliate since Leia already told him that he should do anything to watch over Denzel.

Owl stood up, went out of the house, coming back with a pack of drugs in his hands, he walked straight to Denzel's room and threw the drugs into the room, locking the door again immediately he did.

Owl walked back to where he dwelled, the technical room where he gets a view of what happens around Hilldale. He sighed, pulled the landline and dialled Leia's number, he placed the telephone on his ear. It beeped twice, and then Leia picked.

-"What is it?"-

"Hey, babe, do you prefer Denzel to me?"-

-"Nope, is that what you called to ask?"-

"Yeah, I mean, ever since he got back, you told me to get him, and ever since I caught him, everything you send me to do is something associated with him. You don't even send me the type of missions you tell me to do on a norm,"

-"No, it's not that, I only want to use him,"-

"You can use me all you want,"

-"I would have, but the mission is a very risky one, and, he is the only one that could fulfil it. When I am done with him, things would get back to normal,"-

"But you said he won't stop until he kills you,"

-"He won't be able to meet with me when I am done using him and do you even think he could kill me?"-

"But why do you think I can't help you out with this mission you are talking about?"

-"It would be really dangerous for you, believe me. You know, I do care for you... I would get back to you later, I am bust right now,"-

The telephone beeped, the moment Leia dropped the call, and Owl placed the telephone back in its place.

Owl looked up, looking as disappointed as ever, "Leia is lying, I have to do something, if not, I might end up regretting this," Owl said.