
Beginning the Investigation.

"Well, Dad, if you are leaving it to him, I guess It won't hurt to hold myself back a bit," Denzel said, making himself more comfortable on his bed.

Denzel said that day to his dad, and indeed, for a week, Denzel took that break. He didn't contact Zoey to tell her about the information that Grayson gave him.

Within that week that Denzel had already spent at Oceandire, Denzel waited for his dad to give him a positive reply about the investigation, but it seemed like nothing was coming to pass.

"Dad said to wait for a week Huh?" That was what Denzel kept thinking to himself, and days went by, making it a week and a half that he already used at his home.

It was four days left for the two weeks ultimatum to be complete, and Denzel was already tired of everything, his Dad wasn't helping matters as he kept assuring Denzel that Erwin was already going to be on it.

That day, Denzel walked up to his father, he looked desperate and frustrated. He said, "Dad, you told me to wait a week but, it's past that already, I think I have been patient enough."

"Denzel, I guarantee you that things are going fine, you shouldn't worry yourself about it," Chris said to reply to his son. He wore medicated eyeglass, taking his eyes off the book he was studying.

"I am sorry, I can't keep waiting, I have no time to waste," Denzel walked out of his dad's study, and then out of the house at that moment.

He almost forgot to carry his hoodie when he got out. So he went back in, took it and left the house in that instant.

When Denzel walked out of his Dad's study, he dropped the book in his hand, pulling off his eyeglass afterwards.

Chris took up his cell phone, dialling Erwin's number immediately.

"Erwin, How is it going with the job I gave you?" Chris uttered, he sounded disheartened.

-" What job?"- With the way Erwin spoke, he looked clueless.

"Huh? Have you already forgotten what the case I told you about? The one about my son, you told me to give you a week," Chris's face began to crinkle, he sighed heavily. At that point, he didn't know what to tell his son. It was just Two Weeks he gave his dad, but it just remained three days, or probably four days.

-"Ohh! I totally forgot, my hands have been filled since the last week. I am sorry, where do I start from?"-

'What could happen in three to four days?' Chris thought to himself when he dropped the call.

On Erwin's end, hearing the beep of the call, he knew Chris would be pissed off.

"Now, I messed up," Erwin muttered to himself. He actually didn't have anything much on his hands during the past week, he took on only one case, and in less than two days, he was done winning the case for his defendant.

Erwin was the CEO of Ceaser & Wills Law firm, so of course, he would have had attorneys and paralegals work at his law firm and of course, they would lessen the works he would have to take on.

Erwin grabbed the handset that was on the landline in his office, and he called his secretary, telling her to come in.

"Send an attorney that doesn't have anything much in his hands to go and Check up on Autumn Park at Hilldale..." Erwin paused for a minute and whacked his head. "Nevermind, I would go myself,"

Erwin felt like he had to make it up to Chris, so he got into his car as soon as he left the building, and took off for Hilldale.

After driving for about two to three hours, Chris finally got into Hilldale. He changed his route to Autumn Park in the map he followed on his cellphone placed on the dashboard of the car.

Finally, he got to the gates of Autumn Park. He looked out and saw the number of people that strolled out of the place.

"Seems business would be running well for them... I would have to bring this bad news for them," Erwin walked out of his car, carrying his bag, locking the door of his car afterwards. He walked into the reception of the building, taking a quick look at the people that sat there.

"Good afternoon. You are welcome to Autumn Park. Do you have company? If yes, then they all have to present here--" The receptionist proclaimed, holding out a Pen and a form.

"Does it look like I have company?"

"I apologise. You would be granted a ticket for one, and you have to pay per hour spent--" The Receptionist apologised, bowing her head down a bit.

"I'm not here for any of that. I am Lawyer Ceaser Erwin, CEO of Ceaser and Wills Law firm. I am here to meet with you," Erwin rested his arm on the counter, pointing his arm at her afterwards.


"Yes... You,"

"Is there a problem?"

"Nothing much, I just want to have a quick word with you,"

"I can't leave here on duty, you might have to wait a bit,"

"That's not a problem,"

The receptionist, Miss Tiffany Anna saw him as someone that wanted attention from her, as it wasn't something uncommon to her.

Lots of men always came there to meet her for her contact info but she always shoved them away.

The resistant ones, she always told them she had a man already by showing them a ring that she wore on her left hand.

That was what she did immediately after she was off duty.

"I am leaving already, we will meet tomorrow," Miss Tiffany said to the one that was going to take over the evening shift. She got ready to leave, flaunting her left hand to make him see the ring that she had on it.

Of course, he noticed it, but he cackled, knowing why she did that.

'Does she think I am interested in her? That's interesting,' Erwin thought as he got to his feet, walking towards the entrance with her.

Miss Tiffany smiled to herself the moment she saw him chuckle, she thought he had gotten her message and gave up.

"So, Young Lady, are you ready for our discussion?" Erwin said, he dipped his hands into his pocket, walking alongside her till they got to the entrance, and he gave her a chance to pass through the rotating door.

While Miss Tiffany went through the door, she kept on pondering about why he hadn't left her alone.

'This guy is very persistent, do I have to spell it out to him?' She thought when she finally came out. She didn't bother waiting for him, and she kept on walking.

"What's with her? Does she think she is my type?" Erwin mumbled to himself while he passed through the door. When he got out, he ran towards her. In no time, he got to her.

"Hey! Hey! Chill, I only need to have a word with you," He had already started gasping for breath over the little distance he just ran.

"What's with you? Do I have to spell it out? I am taken," She turned back, annoyed with the way he kept on pursuing her.

Before he spoke, he shook his head. "Ma'am, don't get me wrong. I said I am the CEO of a law firm, do you think you are my type? Doesn't it occur to you that a Lawyer would confront you for another reason? You need help if you think every man would approach you to date you,"

That was when she thought about it. She felt like smacking herself, it was so awkward.

'What the hell?' She kept on thinking to herself. She was very uncomfortable. Erwin could see how embarrassed she was.

'That's what you get for making a fool of me,' He reasoned, laughing deep in him.

"Okay. So what do you want from me?" She said, adjusting her hair and clearing the regret off her face.

"Yeah! Now... we are talking. Have you had dinner yet?"