
The Irresponsible Parents.

With the plastic bag of chicken in his hands, he looked down at the dog as it munched the chicken Denzel had dropped for it. When it was done with that, it moved to Denzel, sticking out his tongue for more.

"Okay okay..." Denzel would say while dropping another for it.

When the dog had give halfway through the chicken, Denzel concluded that it was enough and got up to leave, waiting for the dog to finish up with the ones it had in hand.

When it was done, Denzel saw that it went Around, gathering the bones around, and Denzel was lost, trying to figure out what exactly it was doing, until the dog moved to front the piled up bones, using his hoof to scrape the ground.

It seemed like the dog wanted to dig up sand to bury his bones, but unfortunately, the were on a hard surfaced ground and not a sandy area, and Denzel shook his head in disarray.

"Max, no need to store up those bones, you have more chicken in here,"