
New Mission.

Grayson couldn't explain his frustration anymore. Carrie stood, sat, laughed and kept on blabbing rubbish as she did. At some point, he was able to get a hold of her, and he held her hand, pulling her with him as he walked ahead.

"Meet this guy, my boyfriend... Ain't he cute?" As Carrie budged into some people, she blabbed, before Grayson was able to pull her away. He was already embarrassed.

Getting out of that club, Grayson saw that evening was already breaking. He looked around him, and then tried to move Carrie along with him, but she didn't want to move again.

"What the hell?" Grayson thought to himself, he tried a few more times, but Carrie was overly stubborn. He couldn't take anymore of it. 

"Carry me on your back..." Carrie mumbles from where she was.