
The Monitor's Beast Downfall.

"Are you actually meant to be trying to run away now? It could work better if you actually gave in to death. I never asked you attack me." Grayson didn't stop following Oscar as he kept on shuffling his self on the ground with his button fixed to the ground.

"Do I have to use this now?" Oscar's face couldn't show, but, Grayson was able to tell how disturbed he was.

Although Grayson heard him talk, he couldn't make out what exactly it was.

Suddenly, Oscar got up to his feet instantly. What was left for him to use was a Beast strongest form, when they have been able to harmonize with their beast.

"So you could get up? Seems like we are not done here," Grayson, taking some steps back Incase Oscar was to attack, at least, he would be able to block if he wasn't able to think of a countermeasure.

"Shut it, I have to concentrate," Oscar immediately said, closing his both eyes to focus.