
Number One Ranking.

"Argghhh! That conference is always a pain, but, I guess it just helped solve some of our problems. Let's see what's up with the ratings now, even though I know I am not to expect much,"

Just when Erwin Curry sat on his chair, he sighed and said, turning his rotating chair to face the table, turning his computer to check out the ratings.

"Uhh? What is this?" Just as he turned to the page to take a look at the ratings, instead of it to increase, it decreased, and this time even at a greater amount than the first one. "Didn't the press conference work out?"


The person at the door didn't wait a second time before the door was thrown open, a lady running towards the president to show him the tab she held in her hand. "President, you have to see this!" Erwin could see that she was in a rush.