

A chirp came from one of the highly recognized Masanites having a tour around Lo-primes.

-Let all Masanites present in Lo-primes gather around the statue of serenity for a peaceful protest by 12 noon.

The Unified Countries must listen to us and have a meeting to discuss that issue. We can't be losing comrades everyday. If Lo-primes are sure that they are in no way related to the massacre, then, they should prove it to the Unified Countries!-

Just with that Chirp coming from a highly recognized Social media influencer, most of the citizens of Masan present at Lo-primes began to gather around the rendezvous at the discussed time, and they were actually shocked at how much they were.

The one who organized for the meeting, Peyton Landon, was ahead of the crowd, and she claimed the stairs just at the base of the statue of serenity to let everyone in the crowd see her.